Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 19 –

Brady continues to grow and get stronger.  This week he started sitting momentarily by himself.  He enjoys it too and starts giggling.  He also recognizes his own name, turning his head when you call his name.  It’s so cool to think about how much he’s learned in only 19 weeks of life!  He still enjoys songs, especially head-shoulders-knees-and-toes and itsy bitsy spider.  He likes playing peek a boo, as does Indy.  In addition to “score!” Indy also howls to “peek-a-boo!”   The bump on Brady’s gums is getting bigger so we should be getting our first tooth in the next couple months.  He enjoys his teether as it probably feels good to put something cool on his gums.  We switched him to size 2 diapers after a couple blowouts, but he really doesn’t poop much typically only once every 1-2 days.  He still struggles with the perpetual daycare cold.  His chest seemed to clear up earlier this week, but then he started coughing in the middle of the night which wakes him up.  Poor guy.  This weekend is Labor Day weekend so we’re hoping 4 days off from daycare will allow it to finally clear up.  We’re heading out of town this weekend to Fredericksburg TX for a little family rest and relaxation.  It’s good wine and German food country, and we haven’t been there in years, so should be fun!  

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