Monday, August 20, 2012

At his 4 month checkup today Brady weighed in at 12 lbs 0.05 oz, 24.5 inches long, with a head circumference of 41 cm.  This is up 12 oz, 1.75 inches, and 1.5 cm from his 2 month visit.  He's now back to 10th percentile for weight but 25th percentile for height and head circumference.  Since his weight gain was less than expected, he will go back for a 5 month weight check.  The pediatrician did indicate that exclusively breast fed babies tend to be either at the top or the bottom of the growth charts.  Mommy's 5th percentile probably doesn't help either.

Brady did great with his shots.  He sucked down the oral dose.  He did cry during the other 2 shots, but nursed a little and fell right asleep afterward.  We kept him home from daycare today and he's been somewhat fussy but playing with his mom or toys on and off.

Next month his pediatrician is moving to open her own office.  It'll be a little longer drive, but we like her and will be staying with her.

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