Friday, August 24, 2012

Week 18 -

Erin and Julie Davis, and their daughter Abbie, were in town this week so we got to spend some time with them last night.  Abbie has grown so much since we last saw her, she's such a pretty girl.  Her and Brady did great together.  It was fun to watch how fascinated they were with each other.  Abbie was sweet and shared her toys with Brady.

Brady seems to be fitting in well to his daycare class.  Another 5 babies have started over the last couple weeks, so he's almost already the oldest in the room.  He loves the bouncer at daycare.  It fits him really well so we may have buy one at Walmart or Target.  He still blows raspberries, likes to pull himself to sit up, and watches Indy with fascination.  We give him plenty of opportunity to stand up on our lap and practice strengthening those legs.  Not sure when he'll roll over again from back to belly, he's only done it that one time, but we're sure it's coming soon.  Brady has been eating about double what he was before, not sure if this is a growth spurt or sustained pattern, but it's a lot of work on Mom!  He also gets easily distracted by sights or sounds, so we try to keep the focus on feeding.  The weather has been great for walks outside (unusual for Texas in August), but we have to do it before dusk due to a rash of West Nile breakouts in the DFW area.  Looks like he is teething, there's a couple bumps coming in on his upper left side.  Not sure we're ready yet for teeth!  And know it could take a couple months for the teeth to actually break through.  Haven't tried solids yet, or having him sleep in his crib in his own room, we'll start doing these things soon.

We have another play date tonight to send off Kiera's great grandmother "Nanay" who will be returning to the Philippines after spending the last 5 months in the states.  She's such a brave lady to fly 18 hours by herself at 80 years old.


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