Friday, August 17, 2012

Week 17 -

Blink, and another week has passed.  And another month.  Brady will be 4 months old on Monday.  He will also be going in to get his next round of shots.  Someone hit a growth spurt this week.  The report from daycare was that he was still fussy after feedings so they'd give him his binkie.  We tried a different nipple to slow the flow.  That delayed the fussiness, but didn't stop it.  So we added 1oz to each of his bottles, sending him with four 5oz bottles.  That seems to have worked as he's a happier baby overall.  It's good to see him growing and starting to finally fill out his 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.  And he has started wearing some of the smaller 3-6 month clothes.  After his 4 month checkup next week we're planning to start him on solids!

In addition to his babbling, he now blows raspberries.  It totally cracks us up.  We got a video of him doing it and sometimes when we replay it he starts again.  His muscles are getting stronger and he likes to pull himself up to a sitting position although he can't hold it on his own.  He also likes to stand on our lap and loves to bounce (this usually gets him giggling).  His hand control continues to improve allowing him smoother motion to reach for and hold toys.  He still seems to prefer his left hand, batting at objects with it and sucking his left thumb.  Maybe he'll be a lefty like his Dad but they say you can't tell for sure until they are 2 or 3 years old.  One other thing he started doing this week was waking up and playing by himself until we pick him up.  It's so cute.  He'll make little gurgle noises and bat at the sides of his co-sleeper.  It probably drives the cats nuts.

We're all finally over our first family cold.  When Brady was sick his poops were a browner thicker substance (and more smelly).  But he's all good now.  His nose still runs a little, but nothing those great boogie wipes can't handle.

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