Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 20 -

Had a bit of a scare this week - one night Brady refused to eat, then he threw up on Dad, and had a couple bright red blood spots in his diaper.  These were all firsts for us.  He also had a bit of a temperature but not a fever.  Thankfully once he threw up and got it out of his system he seemed to be his old self but we did call the pediatrician just to be sure.  They said there's a stomach bug going around, or since he has been congested it could have been all the mucus.  Poor guy.

This week Brady discovered he can grab his feet and has made some attempts to get them to his mouth.  He continues to blow raspberries, do ahhhhhs, and babble periodically.  A new favorite game is watching Dad do "Da-da-da-da-da!"  Some of his 3 month clothes are fitting snug and he's wearing more of his 3-6 month clothes so we know he's growing.  He also continues to sit up with assistance, but doesn't seem interested in rolling over from back to belly (this would inhibit thumb sucking!).  It's getting harder to cut his nails.  Typically we try to do it when he's asleep and still but now it wakes him up.  This is also a problem when he nurses as he likes to grab Mom's arm and his hand grip (and tendency to scratch) has gotten stronger.  Ouch for Mom.

We spent Labor Day weekend in a cabin just outside Fredericksburg TX enjoying the local German food and trying some local wine.  The cabin was awesome.  We also took Brady to the local airport diner so he could watch the airplanes.  He's gotten very good at recognizing objects and sounds in a distance and enjoyed watching the airplanes takeoff and land.

This week was the start of the 2012 NFL season opening with the Dallas Cowboys beating the defending champion New York Giants.  Brady is looking forward to watching the Patriots play on Sunday, Go Pats!

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