Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 15 -

Brady's getting to be such a big boy.  Maybe it's all the 2012 summer Olympics he's been watching.  He's started reaching for stuff, grabbing objects, and pulling them in toward his mouth.  He got Mommy's water bottle and slobbered all over it.  It's not all coordinated though and he has smacked himself in the face with his ball.  When we put him on his belly, he does a half crawl using his knees and feet pushing himself slightly forward.  But he hasn't figured out how to use his arms yet, it's more like he bulldozes with his head. He's been a much better sleeper this week more like his original routine.  He's been eating well and had plenty of wet and poopy diapers.

This is the first of 2 weeks of the Olympic games.  Brady has gotten to see a lot of the action including the 4th ever US woman to win the gymnastics all-around (Gabby Douglas) and a US Olympian earning the most medals ever (Michael Phelps).  He also got his first trip to a sports stadium going to a "Restoring Love" event at Cowboys stadium with Grandma Reggie and Jeff.  Maybe this fall when it cools down we'll take him to a Rangers baseball game.

Brady ended the week with a fever, but seems to be doing better eating and sleeping and staying hydrated.  Unfortunately Mom picked it up too.  This may be the first but certainly won't be the last family cold.

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