Saturday, August 11, 2012

Week 16 -

Self-discovery is so cool to watch.  Earlier in the week we saw Brady going after a toy block and rolling himself over from back to belly.  Later this week he discovered his brother and sisters watching with amazement as Indy walked around, ate, and scratched himself.  He's so aware of his surroundings, watching us or turning his head when he hears a noise.  And he's getting much better command of his hands.  He will reach for a specific object with one or both hands and pull it in toward his mouth.  He's such a little person now it's so fun!

Brady still loves interactive songs.  Mom will sing and make up rhymes getting Brady to giggle.  He still talks a lot (more like babbles), and learned "ahhhhhhhs" this week.  He likes to practice his ahs with Daddy.  We try to offer Brady a variety of experiences so he can learn, things like his bouncer, exersaucer, playard, playmat, crib, or sitting outside.  Seems he grew this week as he can now stand flat footed in his exersaucer.  He's also able to spend more time playing by himself in his playard playing with his ball, blocks, or toy mirror.  He still prefers his left thumb and likes to have a blanket or object to hold and snuggle while he sucks his thumb.  

This was Mom's first week part time (yes, it finally came through!).  The plan is to work 7 hours Monday thru Thursday, have every Friday off, and telecommute when able.  Looks like Dad caught the family cold late in the week.  Hopefully we'll all get over this and feel better soon!

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