Sunday, August 31, 2014

Parker 16 Weeks

It was back to school for kids in North Texas, and likewise for the Seminara household.  Mom survived her first week back at work from maternity leave.  As compared to last time, she found it harder to leave Parker knowing their special time was over and way easier to get back into work because she'd done it before and knew what to expect.  Parker did great going full time at day care, he continues to get comments from all the teachers how he's so sweet and snuggly.  He's active too, rolling all over the place.  Ms Barb said she hasn't seen a baby this young roll like this and that she can't leave him more than 2ft from her.  Brady did great in EPS II too, asking several times to go potty when he recognized the urge.

All three also had a touch of a cold and congestion, but thankfully did not spike a fever to warrant going to the doctor.  This was Parker's first cold, and his little immune system did great.  He still has a little congestion like the rest of us but is sleeping, eating, and in good spirits.  What a difference from Brady's first cold (RSV), one that doesn't warrant trips to the ER, breathing treatments, and rounds and rounds of antibiotics.  Here's knocking on wood.

With all the adjustments in the household we cancelled our RV trip to Kansas City and decided to take it easy at home this Labor Day weekend.  It'll be nice to enjoy some time with family and relax before we get too busy in our routines.  Fall will be here soon!

Mom and Dad toasting to new jobs (still with LM)

The boys cleaning up for the 1st day of school (daycare)

 Infant room?  No sweat.

Brady growing up too fast already

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