Friday, August 8, 2014

Week 13 with Parker

This week Grandma Reggie was in town to help Mommy with the boys while Daddy was on business travel - what a treat for the boys!  They had no shortage of fun and attention.

Parker turned 3 months old this week!  Unofficially on the home scale he weighs ~11.5 lbs but won't go in for another official weight check until his 4 month appointment.  His legs are so strong, he likes to try to stand up, push off your lap, and stomp his feet.  Or he kicks at objects when lying down doing his "exercises" with Grandma.  This week he really started grabbing his feet, usually his right hand on his right foot, while chewing on his left thumb and index finger.  Most nights he wakes up 1-2x a night starting at 2am and again around 4:30am.  Mommy feeds him at the first waking and usually just has to tuck his arms back in his swaddle at the second waking to get him back to sleep.  Like big brother, he likes his blankies, and they help settle him back to sleep in his car seat or lamb swing.  He still arches his back, even in his swaddle, trying to roll over so we'll start getting him into a crib in his own room soon.  He's starting to have days where he doesn't poop at all, followed by high poop days, as breastfed babies do.  And when he's held he loves to look over his shoulder checking things out really twisting himself around.  He seems to do a good job finding Mommy by her voice and gives everyone lots of smiles.  He really is a good tempered sweet little boy.  

Taking advantage of a cool morning to walk to the park 

Enjoying a cool pack on his back at the spray pool 

Morning cartoons with Grandma

Brady had fun this week getting to check out the River Legacy Science Center and play ground, the Grapevine Sea Life aquarium, and started swim lessons.  The science center has some aquatic animals and reptiles - fish, turtles, frogs, etc - which Brady enjoyed watching.  We also walked around outside and saw turtles swimming in the pond and small green lizards on the bushes.  The playground was immaculate complete with a dinosaur and treehouse.  Brady had fun climbing on the dinosaur, playing in the treehouse and suspension bridge, and going down the big kid slide.  He made another trip to the Sea Life aquarium in Grapevine taking Grandma through to show her all the fish, sharks, turtles, and eels.  And what a little fish in swim lessons!  In just 4 days of class he has learned kick/dig (doggie paddle), to hold his "bubble" (breath) and go under, float on his back, put his face in the water, go under water for a toy, go down the waterslide, and climb out of the pool on his own.  He's still a little uncomfortable going under and putting his face in the water, but really enjoys floating on his back and relaxing while Mommy sings him a song.  As a special treat Mommy and Grandma got to visit Brady at school for bug day with the bug lady.  She got the little kids to sing songs and showed them spiders, millipedes, and beetles.  And guess who's kid ran to the front of the class to hold a water bug (aka cockroach)?  Yep, Brady.  It was fun to see him in his element at school with his teachers and all his friends.

River Legacy Science Center

Fun at the River Legacy playground

 Warming up with Grandma at the spray pool

I'll hold the bug!!!

Checking out the aquatic wildlife at the aquarium

 Going under with Mommy

 Kick/dig to get the boat

 Fun on the waterslide!

Floating on his back

Mommy has been super appreciative of all the help from Grandma feeding, diapers, bathing, etc for the boys.  And Grandma has had a lot of fun playing with Brady helping him pack his lunchbox and going off to work, having cookouts with firemen, and punching his ticket to go on an airplane.  It's so fun to see their imaginations at work!  And Parker has gotten lots of cuddles and play time with his Grandma, practicing grabbing objects or lifting his head.  It's so fun to have our family part of our boys lives!

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