Saturday, August 30, 2014

1st Night In Their New Rooms

The boys spent their first night in their new rooms last night - and both did great!

Brady was so excited when he got home from daycare to see his furniture all assembled and his stuffed animals on his new bed.  And he likes the transportation theme getting excited to see all the cars, trucks, and airplanes.  He did great sleeping through the night.  No surprise he was dangling off the edge of his bed this morning given how much he has always moved around in his crib.  Parker did great too, he even napped in his new bed before dinner, and slept mostly through the night.  He's got a touch of the same cold Mom had last week so he's a little congested waking up stuffy.  Mom and Dad cleared out his nose, fed him a little, and he went back to sleep just fine.  In fact, we had to wake both boys this morning for breakfast!

Brady in his toddler bed (28 months) 

Parker in the crib (3.5 months)

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