Thursday, August 14, 2014

Week 14 with Parker - Rolling Over!

The last two weeks of back arching paid off, Parker is now rolling back to front (and back again)!  The first time he did it was in his swaddle on morning and was on his belly when Mom went in to pick him up (which was a little scary for Mom since his arms were tucked in his swaddle).  Once he did it there was no going back, now he's flipping all the time - in his play yard, on his play mat, he even tries it on his changing table. Other than rolling over, he's starting to get better use of his hands, holding onto objects dangling above him and finally unclenching those fists. Our little man is growing up!

Brady is getting so grown up too.  He completed swim lessons this week.  At first he liked it, then he didn't, then he did again.  It helped that at his last lesson it clicked for him how to hold his breath, so he was able to swim longer underwater with less going up his nose (and no more crying).  He can slide off the water slide, go under, swim to the side (with a little steering from Mom), and climb out all on his own.  He can kick/dig (doggie paddle) after a toy and put his face in the water.  And he can go under and retrieve a toy (again with steering from Mom).  Today he used a pair of arm floaties - which he loved - jumping in off the side and bobbing back up all by himself.  With a little more practice he'll be able to swim completely on his own with the arm floaties.  He's getting so grown up!  He had so much fun he now likes to practice his swimming in the bath tub, floating on his back or putting his face in.  What a little fish.

Parker starts daycare next week, going a couple half days, so we started working on his routine.  He wakes up at 6:45am to set his "clock" for the day.  He takes 3 naps - 45min to 1.5 hrs in the morning, a long 2-4 hr nap after lunch, and a short 30min to 1 hr nap early evening.  At 8pm we start his bedtime routine - nurse, bath, PJs, story, and bed - putting him down when he's sleepy but not asleep.  This seems to be working well, now we just need him to sleep longer through the night (he's waking 1-3x a night).  Brady continues to be a great sleeper, especially after a full day of daycare activities and swim lessons, sleeping 8pm to 7am.

Mom had a touch of a cold this week (Dr said bronchitis) and has done her best not to share it with Parker which isn't easy when you're home on maternity vacation nursing a little one.  Next week is Mom's last week of maternity vacation, then it's back to reality.

Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas before sending Grandma Reggie off

Parker being cute

 Playing with Mom

Who's that handsome guy in the mirror

Rolling over

 Mom enjoying morning coffee while Brady's already found the water hose

Mr Fish

 Brotherly love

Brady likes to "hold" Parker

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