Monday, August 25, 2014

Mom's 1st Day Back at Work

Mom survived her 1st day back at work.  Driving in on a mid-80 deg morning with the sun shining and the activity on the flight line got her excited to be back at work.  Like last time, she found some things were very different and some things were very much the same.  She got to meet her new boss (initial impression - he's a little stuffy) and start getting into her new role.  There have been a lot of organizational changes and she's excited to be part of the new team.  She also found many of the same programmatic and technical issues were still being discussed since before she went on leave = the life of a big defense program.  Her biggest challenge looks to be establishing a good schedule, mostly because her boss has 7am meetings with no call in number.  Unless she can work something out with him it'll be tough getting everyone out of the house in the morning.  Mom also got on the mother's room schedule, and other than it being in a loud high traffic area, had no real problems with it.  While Mom enjoyed some things about returning to work, she missed snuggling Parker.  The thing she missed most was his smell followed closely by the feel of his soft bald head.

Parker had a good 1st full day too.  He drank almost all of his 16 oz milk (four 4oz bottles) and took 3 naps (40 min, 2 hr, and 1 hr).  He developed a bit of a runny nose this weekend, so Mom is trying to keep him hydrated and rested and so far he hasn't had a temp.  Mom was hoping to get a laminated sheet like before with a picture of Parker on his first day of school, maybe she'll get it tomorrow.

Working 9 hr days, plus the commute, doesn't give much time in the morning or night to spend with the kids.  The nights are the craziest with trying to cook dinner, put away groceries or milk, all the while trying to entertain a baby and toddler when you're tired, and have time to talk with your spouse.  We can understand why some say you're outnumbered at 3 kids.  Greenling has been a great find delivering organic meals sized for two, with everything cut and ready to cook, giving us healthy food with minimal clean up so we can spend as much quality time with the kids (and each other) as possible.

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