Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Parker's 4 Month Checkup

Today Parker had his 4 month Dr appointment - he weighed in at 11 lb 15 oz (10%), 23.5 in long (10%), and 40.75 cm head circumference (20%).  Brady was very similar - our babies are just little peanuts!  We were also a few days ahead of Parker's 4 month birthday.

Parker had just taken a long nap and had a bottle, so he was in great spirits when he saw the doctor.  He was rolling all over the table, "talking" to the doctor, and putting his hands (or trying to put her hands) in his mouth.  Despite giving her lots of smiles, he still had to get his shots getting the second round of the same ones from his 2 month appointment.  This time he cried when he was given the oral dose, and cried harder with the shots.  The doctor warned that because his immune system is more mature, he may get a fever this time.  After the doctor visit he slept well courtesy of baby Tylenol, but was fussy and not his normal happy self at dinner.  He did go down for bed ok.  We told the doctor that he had just gotten over a little cold and she confirmed she didn't hear anything in his lungs or see anything in his ears - fingers crossed!  Otherwise developmentally we can start introducing solids as we're ready and to make sure he gets plenty of play time to continue to develop his hand eye coordination.  His next appointment is his 6 month checkup where he'll get round 3 of these vaccinations plus the first round of a flu shot, ack!

 What a handsome little guy

Think he's going to be active? Lol

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