Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 45 -

Mom was "single-parenting" this week with Daddy gone a few days on business travel.  Mom was also leading a major review at work so by the end of the day she was exhausted.  But it worked out ok, she and Brady had lots of fun and laughs together before bedtime.

Brady continues to show a lot of personality.  He loves to explore and check out new things.  He really enjoys pulling clothes out of laundry baskets, giggling and laughing.  His other new favorite thing is shaking objects particularly the homemade rattles at school (think Pringles cans loaded with beads).  When he doesn't get his way though look out, he does have a temper.  He'll throw his head back and scream.  This is not fun for Mom or Dad.  He decided he didn't like baths again this week crying during his bath every night.  We think this might also be attributed to how little he sleeps at daycare coming home tired.  On weekends he naps 2-3 times, usually 2-2.5 hours the first nap then 30min-1 hr the other naps for a total of 3-4.5 hours.  At daycare, he only naps 1 time usually 45min-2 hours.  Hmm.

He's still eating and growing well and just started outgrowing his 9 month clothes.  This was sad for Mom as most baby sections are 0-9 months, now he's in the 12 month - 5T section (sniffle).  He's growing up too fast.  Brady got to try a new food this week at daycare - vanilla wafers - he loved them too (must get this from the Muzzey side).  We also gave him a self feeding container full of Cherrios.  He did figure out how to reach in and pull them out, but it was a pretty violent process getting Cherrios everywhere.  He also found dumping them out accomplished the same goal (lol).

It's funny when Brady hears another baby babbling or hears himself babbling on video.  He gets all excited and starts babbling.  Sometimes the words sound like actual words.  We could have sworn he said "where did Indy go" the other day.  We know Brady and Indy are future BFFs.

Hi there! 

Playing peek-a-boo 

Nothing beats my blankie 

"Learning" how to use a self-feeding cup

Indy likes the play yard too

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