Saturday, March 23, 2013

Week 48 -

11 months old and LOTS of energy!  When Brady's awake and happy he is HYPER, cruising around the furniture ("couch surfing") and the windows checking everything out and babbling loudly.  He is a very busy child, you really have to keep up with him.  You also have to watch what he puts in his mouth.  Turns out boys are drawn to bugs at a very early age.  This morning he managed to find and put a LIVE lady bug in his mouth, gross!  Thankfully Daddy got it out, but still gross.

This week was Mom's first week away on business travel.  She had some good distractions, going to DC visiting the National Air and Space Museum at Dulles and visiting some old friends some she hadn't seen in 10 years.  Daddy and Brady had fun too taking advantage of the 80 deg weather and going to the St Patrick's day Pickle Parade.  Brady was a good boy all week, eating and sleeping well.  He discovered he likes peas and also likes to shove them in his sippy cup straw.  This was his first full week weaned which went mostly well for both Brady and Mom.  Mom was afraid he'd forget her, but he didn't, giving her a big smile when she came home.

Brady continues to get strong, really strong.  He loves getting behind his walker or motorcycle and pushing them as fast as he can.  He is really fast!  Almost anything can be a walker too - like the dining room stools, his jumper, empty boxes, placemats, etc.  He will also stand and push on his play house, you have to hang on to it or he will push it over.

Took him to the barber for his 1st haircut.  He sat like a big boy in the chair on Daddy while the lady clipped and buzzed.  No more baby comb over.  He also started walking when Mom or Dad hold his hands and he will cruise along smiling and giggling, he really loves it.  He has no problem standing up or getting down now, he does it with ease but not necessarily grace.  When he reaches for the floor you hear him slap down on his palms.  Sometimes he gets crawling too fast too and face plants, but he gets righted and keeps going.  Silly boy.

Started a new bedtime routine - bottle, bath, book, bed.  This came with weaning.  We also found he's less hyper if we do the bottle before bath.  So far it seems to be working well with him still going down for bed at 8pm.

Corporate retreat 10 year reunion (Kelly, Molly, Nicole, Suzy...with Shilpa virtual)

 Nicole's son Augie (14 months old)

Discovery at the National Air and Space Museum

1st Haircut - no more long pieces on top

 Sitting still like a big boy

Looking good!

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