Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 46 -

Making messes!  That was a theme this week with Brady ripping up magazines, crumpling mail, dumping out Cherrios, smearing green beans, and knocking over piles of books.  The messier (and noiser) the more fun.

Another fun thing he does now is imitations.  Mom and Dad will make noises and he'll repeat them - blowing raspberries, clicking our tongues, etc.  He'll also imitate motions - smiling, pressing buttons, clapping hands, showing his muscles, etc.  It's pretty cool to see him recognize something and try to imitate it.  He still babbles and makes "ah", "ba", "da" sounds but no real words yet.

He's getting pretty independent, eating out of his own bowl, holding his own bottle or sippy cup (50% of the time), and playing in his play yard by himself.  He seems really interested in the cats and the dog, more than normal, and has taken to petting them but we have to watch and make sure he does it gently.  Most of the time he's pretty happy, but when he gets tired and doesn't want to do something, he will have a little tantrum arching his back and fussing, so hold on!

Our little guy is pretty lucky to have such caring Grandparents.  He got two care packages this week - some new bath toys to play and splash, and his very own astronaut suit and state park souvenirs from the RV road trip.

Some new things we are trying are giving him 8oz bottles (instead of 6oz) as he's seemed more hungry, and getting him into the bath 30 minutes earlier so he's not as cranky before bed.  He has drank the 8oz a couple times and seems very satisfied.  And he doesn't seem to be as reluctant to take a bath when we do it earlier.

What's left of a magazine

Bed head

Patting Fenway 

The boys playing in the bed of the truck

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