Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 44 -

10 months old this week! And gaining confidence and speed.  Brady's beginning to venture out and explore the whole house now, going room to room with his "big boy" crawls, and attempting to climb the stairs.  He will pull himself up on the stair railing and walk side to side hanging on to the posts (they're close enough together he can't fall through).  This also means more baby proofing - baby gates, outlet covers, moving objects out of reach, and installing drawer locks upstairs and downstairs.  In addition to his big boy crawls, he loves his walker.  He pushes it around the house downstairs with speed and just figured out how to make it corner.  Now that he's more coordinated he can use the motorcycle walker too which goes even faster because it rolls instead of pushes.  He has SO much energy, it's hard to keep up with him.

Reports from daycare have been good.  He has taken to racing his classmate Jackson on the laundry baskets.  The ladies love to watch them zoom around the room, giggling, and stopping to look at each other.  He still doesn't nap well at daycare (doesn't want to miss the action) so some nights he's less than pleasant by dinner making it an early bedtime.

Weaning has been going well, he's up to 3-4 bottles 100% formula and only nursing morning and night.  It's nice for Mom to be off the pump schedule, but also sad to know she won't have this time with her Brady anymore.  He's also gaining weight and nearing the 20 lb mark which explains why Mom's arms are so tired.

For the 1st time Brady started baths!  He used to cry and hate them, now he seems to enjoy splashing in the water and banging his cups together.  It didn't take him long to figure out how to turn the water on and off from the spout when getting his bath ready.  He's so funny, before he crawls away he shuts the water off, ha!

He is getting very talkative.  We still can't understand what he's trying to tell us, but we can tell if he's happy/sad/frustrated/playing just by his tone and volume.  One night when getting ready for a bath, he was almost singing.  We tried to get it on video but once he saw the camera he got distracted, next time!

Check out the new videos and see Brady's week-by-week progression walking!

1st Valentine's from daycare

I don't know what I want for my birthday! 

1st "bite" of cheese (Mom proud of his bite marks)

I wasn't doing anything, right? 

Playing with my toys 

Steering optional 

Ready for my bath 

Playing in the bath tub 

 Sitting in a big boy chair at dinner

Double decker

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