Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 47 -

Moved the clocks ahead an hour this week.  Brady had some congestion early in the week, and a little drainage from his ears, so we gave him ear drops and breathing treatments.  By mid-week he was doing better and sleeping through the night again.  Hopefully this is a sign his body is finally building a strong enough immune system to fight colds on it's own.

Daddy had to travel again for a couple days.  Mom took advantage going out on a Mother-Son dinner date.  Brady had a lot of fun playing in his high chair and watching other kids (free entertainment).  And Mom and Brady had a lot of fun playing together and having their own adventures in the house, playing another round of tupperware hockey on the floor.  The weaning continues with Brady down to once a day now (mornings only).  Mom and Brady will still have snuggle time before bed.

Once Brady was feeling better he had LOTS of energy this week, what Daddy calls the Tazmanian tear.  The whole house is a play yard now with Brady cruising around on his walker or crawling all over the place.  He likes to pull up on things and try to pull objects down - like the calendar on the fridge, or dishtowels on the stove.  He likes shaking things like Mommy's allergy pill bottle (with child proof lid), containers of coins, etc.  Anything that makes noise.  He's tried going up the stairs a couple times so it's time to break out the baby gates.  

Made another trip to the Fort Worth zoo this week with Michelle and Keira.  The last time he was there it was Boo at the Zoo for Halloween and Brady was only 6 months old.  This was Michelle and Keira's first time to the zoo.  Despite it being spring break and super crowded, it was a nice 80 degree day and the kids enjoyed the animals.  Brady really liked the monkeys and the lions watching with interest and babbling away.  We're thinking maybe an animal theme for the 1st birthday party?

Brady's hair is getting really long now.  We were holding out until his 1st birthday to cut it, but not sure we can wait much longer.  Brady has a busy social calendar coming up with Easter and Keira's 1st birthday party, so he's gotta look good!

 Fun with placemats

On a Mother-Son dinner date

 Brady, Mom, Michelle, and Keira at the Fort Worth Zoo

Daddy and Brady checking out the animals

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