Friday, March 29, 2013

Week 49 -

Sick again this week, this time with what appeared to be a stomach virus giving him the most god awful smelling diarrhea.  Poor guy was cranky and clingy and went through a LOT of diapers.  We kept him home from school 2 days, and thankfully by the end of the week was back to eating and pooping like normal.  At first we thought it was the 1/3 whole milk to 2/3 formula bottle we gave him, and some sort of reaction or lactose intolerance, but apparently it had been going around at the daycare.

Despite being sick, Brady did have a few firsts this week.  He can now wave hi (or bye) and he's starting to blow kisses (or lean in for a kiss).  It's really sweet.  And occasionally he stands on his own, even if he doesn't notice he's doing it.  He's getting braver with his attempts at walking, letting go and lunging toward you but not really taking steps (yet).  He showed off his skills to our neighbor and she thinks he'll be walking by his first birthday, eek!

He still babbles and chatters a lot, sometimes his words even seem recognizable like Indy, Dada, Mama, tree, dat (with pointing).  He does point at things a lot mumbling words, so we point and tell him what it is - house, car, grill, bird, etc.  It's cute to see his curiosity and watch him learn about the world around him.  Another engineer?  Maybe.  He also really enjoys music, and has since he was in Momma's belly.  He will smile and dance and shake (or bang) objects together when listening to music.

As for signing, he does very well, when he wants to.  He uses "more" a lot, "milk" if very thirsty, "done" which is more pulling on his bib than shaking his hands, "dog" to call Indy, and raises his arms up if he wants to be "picked up".  He doesn't have a lot of patience and will fuss if you don't get his sign right away, but he'll learn (or maybe his parents will lol).

Mr Handsome

 Mommy what's this?

Getting himself stuck 

Playing in the mirror

 Pointing at a bird

Waiting for blankie to dry

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