Saturday, December 1, 2012

Week 32 -

Brady is getting more coordinated with each passing day.  He's starting to pull himself up now to climb over objects or climb up on his Mom, using his feet to push.  When given a spoon, he will put it in his mouth but hasn't quite made the connection to feed himself.  We tried giving him finger food this week (potato) but he just looked at it.  When out at lunch or dinner with Mom, he watches her eat closely, so she shares a few bites.  He tried and liked homefries, and again tried and liked turkey chop suey (meat and pasta).  Both times it was after he'd already eaten, this boy can certainly eat!  He'll get upset if you don't keep feeding him, so we're trying to teach him sign language for "more".  So far, he just does some Jersey fist-bumping and leg wiggling.  Check out the new videos we posted.

His ear infections finally seem to be going away and he is in better spirits sleeping and playing back to normal.  He loves cruising around the living room adventuring to the kitchen.  He discovered Indy's food bowl making a stop to "share" a toy.  He loves to explore and check things out, feeling all the different textures.  And it's funny, he doesn't like things left open, he always closes his laptop and book on his activity center. He still does his clapping and squealing and babbling (bababa), and has added smacking his lips.  He will often imitate sounds or motions we make with our mouths.

Mom got over the stomach flu but her bad luck continued getting a rock in her windshield and having to replace it AGAIN in less than 2 weeks.  Guess that's an early Xmas present for Mom.

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