Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 33 -

Another first this week - finger foods! After trying it last week, Brady kept at it and now can eat Cherrios or puffed cereal on his own.  He gets about half in his mouth and the other half in his high chair, but he's so happy when it works.  We're so proud of him, it just makes us smile to see him learn and grow.  

This year we put up a Christmas tree.  We got a real one from the lot down the street and it makes our house smell really nice.  We decorated it after Brady had gone to bed, so he first saw it the next morning when he woke up.  He wasn't afraid of it at all, rather he liked touching the branches and feeling the needles.  He even added his own decoration (a Cherrio).  He's also excited to see the presents under the tree and crawls toward them any chance he gets.  Fenway likes them too, especially eating the ribbons (bad kitty).

Mom and Dad got an early Christmas present from Brady - a finger painting from daycare.  It's super cute with photos of him making the painting around the edges and they put it in a frame.  Can't wait to try more arts and crafts with him at home.  Surely Daddy will remember some boy scout projects he can do with Brady.

Had another play date with Michelle and Keira this week too.  It's been about 2 months since we'd seen them and it's amazing to see how much Keira has changed.  Her hair has gotten longer (and super soft), she's gotten taller, and she can sit really well. She gets up on all fours, but doesn't seem too interested in crawling, rather she's starting to pull herself up to stand.  It's so cool to see how babies learn their way differently.  The kids had a great time together sharing toys and giggling.  Both were pretty wiped out taking extra naps the next day.

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