Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 34 -

What a difference a week makes.  Last week was great, this week was not.  Both Dad and Brady got sick this week.  Brady started coughing then came down with fever, congestion, throwing up, and to top it off got pink eye.  Poor little guy was on 5 meds at the same time.  Dad came down with a sinus infection and didn't want to make Brady any sicker.  Mom had to play nurse.  No one got much sleep this week.

On Friday Brady had his first surgery getting tubes put in his ears.  The procedure only took about 10 minutes and we were in and out of the outpatient center in ~2.5 hours.  He did really well and the results were just like they told us - almost instantaneous.  See before and after photos below.  It took him ~25 minutes to wake up and he was a little fussy, super hungry, and wanted to be held by his Mommy.  Once he ate, we left for home and he was pretty much back his normal self (aside from some reflux).  He's SO much happier and has more energy, it's really good to see him feeling better.  The doctor said there was a lot of mucus and pus behind his eardrum and he is getting some drainage but that should clear up by Monday.  And he's still coughing getting that last bit of congestion out of his chest but eating and sleeping more like normal.  Now he can focus on playing and learning and not constantly trying to get healthy (we hope).

Some things that did go good this week - just before getting sick Brady got to meet Santa.  Not sure if it was stranger danger or just close to nap time, but Brady wasn't a fan.  Brady did learn some new things this week including feeding himself with a spoon.  For the most part he gets the right end into his mouth, with or without food.  We bought a splat mat and will give him more opportunities to practice feeding himself.  He also started waving hi or bye (not consistently) and Daddy saw him sign for milk.  He's pulling himself up more and has expressed an interest in being able to stand but his legs are still wobbly.  No additional teeth yet, just the 2 on the bottom, but he's been chewing a lot on his teether.

Mom and Dad finished their Christmas shopping for Brady today.  Despite the fact the week ended at 70 degrees, it actually did snow (a little) earlier in the week.  Hopefully this means we'll have a good ski season this year!

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