Saturday, December 22, 2012

Week 35 -

8 months old this week!  Brady continues to do great after his surgery.  He's more alert and happier now that his ears aren't bothering him.  He seems to be over his cold other than the lingering cough.  Daddy too.  And no more pink eye.

Brady had his last day at school for the year and Mom learned he has his first "girlfriend".  Her name is Stormy.  According to Ms Barb, they play together all day long following one another around, smiling, and laughing.  Brady was really cute when he said goodbye to her, smiling then turning away shyly.  Despite the recurring illnesses he gets from daycare, he does get a chance to be around other kids and learn things like socializing and sharing.  Daycare sent home gifts too, sending homemade Christmas cards and ornaments that are just too cute.

He's started to pull himself up and started trying to stand on his feet, usually not at the same time so it's not very coordinated.  But his legs are strong and he's getting good practice.  Ms Barb says it won't be long before he's on the basket pushing himself around the daycare.  He's also mastered the pincher and LOVES to eat Cherrios.  He's a Cherrio vacuum cleaner.  For some reason he's not too fond of puffed o's (sweet potato).  The ladies at daycare also recommended yogurt melts, we'll have to keep an eye out for those.  When he gets back from vacation he'll try cut up veggies.  He did try a sippy cup with water and eventually figured out how to drink from it, again not very coordinated but he's catching on.  And after a couple blowouts, it was time to move up into size 3 diapers.  These seem so much bigger and really help him fill out his 6-9 month clothes.  He's growing up so fast.  Speaking of growing up, this week he took his first jog with Mom in the jogging stroller.  He was bundled up and warm holding his monkey blanket, sucking his thumb, and checking out the local scenery.  Mom was excited to get back out and get some exercise.

This was the last working week of the year for Mom and Dad.  Mom got an invite to the CATB holiday lunch and got to see some old friends she misses very dearly.  She also got a job offer and despite the fact it was a promotion it wasn't something that really interested her so she turned it down.  The good news, she gets to stay part-time a little longer.  And Daddy got another contract extending the funding for his project another year.

Next week is Christmas. Have a safe and happy holiday!

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