Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 31 -

Thanksgiving week and 7 months old! But not without a stop first at the Dr office for Brady's 3rd round of ear infections and 3rd type of antibiotics.  Unfortunately it hasn't seemed to help as the ear rubbing continues.  We go back to the doctor Monday for a checkup and to start discussing tubes (which Mom does not want to do).  He's also still pretty congested both in his sinuses and in his lungs, poor little guy.

This week Grandma Reggie, Jeff, and Uncle Erik were in town for Thanksgiving.  We ran/walked the Arlington Turkey Trot 5K with Erik running his first 5K at 26:29 and finishing 20th in his age group - congrats Uncle E!  After burning off some calories, we ate the second ever Seminara fried turkey and it was quite delicious.  Grandma Reggie was a huge help making all the sides - potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and carrots - the sound of it still makes us hungry!  And Mom made her first ever sweet potato casserole.  Brady sampled the feast, liking the potatoes and sweet potatoes but spitting out the turkey (he didn't seem to like the consistency).  Another morning he also tried bacon and unlike his Dad did not seem to like that either.  Indy was happy as Jeff took him for 3-4 walks/day in the gorgeous 60-70 deg weather.  Uncle E and Gary took advantage of the warm weather and put up the Christmas lights.  This year's decorations include the bushes and reindeer.

Brady loved all the company and attention.  He learned how to clap from his Uncle E and loved watching Grandma make sock monkey make faces and do flips.  He showed off his crawling skills going all over the living room and kitchen floors.  And he showed how strong he is doing "jumpies" in his exersaucer.  As his personality continues to develop, he has started making a scrunchie face (a half excited half smile) usually followed by his arms and legs going in excitement.  And he's developing his ability to chew, biting down and holding his spoon in his mouth sometimes not wanting to let go.  He's still in a "mommy phase" crying and reaching for Mommy when he sees her, but he can usually be distracted to settle down.  

By the end of the week, both Dad and Mom came down with stomach flu.  This wasn't exactly how they wanted to lose those extra pounds after Thanksgiving, but it did give them a chance to catch up on their Christmas movies and not spend money on black Friday.  Only 4 weeks until Christmas, wow.

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