Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

For Brady's 1st Christmas we stayed in Texas so he could wake up Christmas morning at home.  Half awake we brought him downstairs and he immediately got wide eyed and eager to play with his new toys from Santa - a toy house and an activity center.  He loved the gears on the activity center (go figure).  Then we opened presents.  His Grandma Reggie got him his first motorcycle (walker), his uncle E got him some toys and puzzles and a snack tray for his stroller, and his Grandpa Bob and Grammie Terry got him some stack and tumble cups.  He also got a sit to stand walker from his Aunt Jennie and his very 1st snow jacket and snowpants from his Uncle Paul.  Indy, Fenway, and Foxboro got spoiled too with new beds, treats, toys, and a new kitty tower.  It was a fun day.

That afternoon we were supposed to fly to NJ, but instead a front came through giving us ~2 inches of snow and giving Brady a white Christmas for his 1st Christmas.  What a lucky kid!  We made it to NJ the next day.

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful gifts and hope you had a Merry Christmas!

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