Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 19 –

Brady continues to grow and get stronger.  This week he started sitting momentarily by himself.  He enjoys it too and starts giggling.  He also recognizes his own name, turning his head when you call his name.  It’s so cool to think about how much he’s learned in only 19 weeks of life!  He still enjoys songs, especially head-shoulders-knees-and-toes and itsy bitsy spider.  He likes playing peek a boo, as does Indy.  In addition to “score!” Indy also howls to “peek-a-boo!”   The bump on Brady’s gums is getting bigger so we should be getting our first tooth in the next couple months.  He enjoys his teether as it probably feels good to put something cool on his gums.  We switched him to size 2 diapers after a couple blowouts, but he really doesn’t poop much typically only once every 1-2 days.  He still struggles with the perpetual daycare cold.  His chest seemed to clear up earlier this week, but then he started coughing in the middle of the night which wakes him up.  Poor guy.  This weekend is Labor Day weekend so we’re hoping 4 days off from daycare will allow it to finally clear up.  We’re heading out of town this weekend to Fredericksburg TX for a little family rest and relaxation.  It’s good wine and German food country, and we haven’t been there in years, so should be fun!  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First solids! Today Brady tried organic rice cereal mixed with breast milk.  We mixed 1 tbsp rice cereal with 4 tbsp milk (~2 oz).  It's very runny and we got a lot on his chin and bib, but he did eventually get the hang of the spoon.  He did great!  He ate a little less than half.  Maybe we'll try another food next weekend.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Week 18 -

Erin and Julie Davis, and their daughter Abbie, were in town this week so we got to spend some time with them last night.  Abbie has grown so much since we last saw her, she's such a pretty girl.  Her and Brady did great together.  It was fun to watch how fascinated they were with each other.  Abbie was sweet and shared her toys with Brady.

Brady seems to be fitting in well to his daycare class.  Another 5 babies have started over the last couple weeks, so he's almost already the oldest in the room.  He loves the bouncer at daycare.  It fits him really well so we may have buy one at Walmart or Target.  He still blows raspberries, likes to pull himself to sit up, and watches Indy with fascination.  We give him plenty of opportunity to stand up on our lap and practice strengthening those legs.  Not sure when he'll roll over again from back to belly, he's only done it that one time, but we're sure it's coming soon.  Brady has been eating about double what he was before, not sure if this is a growth spurt or sustained pattern, but it's a lot of work on Mom!  He also gets easily distracted by sights or sounds, so we try to keep the focus on feeding.  The weather has been great for walks outside (unusual for Texas in August), but we have to do it before dusk due to a rash of West Nile breakouts in the DFW area.  Looks like he is teething, there's a couple bumps coming in on his upper left side.  Not sure we're ready yet for teeth!  And know it could take a couple months for the teeth to actually break through.  Haven't tried solids yet, or having him sleep in his crib in his own room, we'll start doing these things soon.

We have another play date tonight to send off Kiera's great grandmother "Nanay" who will be returning to the Philippines after spending the last 5 months in the states.  She's such a brave lady to fly 18 hours by herself at 80 years old.


Monday, August 20, 2012

At his 4 month checkup today Brady weighed in at 12 lbs 0.05 oz, 24.5 inches long, with a head circumference of 41 cm.  This is up 12 oz, 1.75 inches, and 1.5 cm from his 2 month visit.  He's now back to 10th percentile for weight but 25th percentile for height and head circumference.  Since his weight gain was less than expected, he will go back for a 5 month weight check.  The pediatrician did indicate that exclusively breast fed babies tend to be either at the top or the bottom of the growth charts.  Mommy's 5th percentile probably doesn't help either.

Brady did great with his shots.  He sucked down the oral dose.  He did cry during the other 2 shots, but nursed a little and fell right asleep afterward.  We kept him home from daycare today and he's been somewhat fussy but playing with his mom or toys on and off.

Next month his pediatrician is moving to open her own office.  It'll be a little longer drive, but we like her and will be staying with her.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just posted a bunch of new Brady videos - enjoy!
Brady had his second play date with Kiera yesterday.  She is now rolling over and is 75th percentile in height and 40th percentile in weight.  Brady was more awake this time at Sushi Ya Ya, but only in the beginning.  Oh well, he needs his rest so he can grow big and strong.

Photos - Kiera 19 weeks, Brady 17 weeks.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Week 17 -

Blink, and another week has passed.  And another month.  Brady will be 4 months old on Monday.  He will also be going in to get his next round of shots.  Someone hit a growth spurt this week.  The report from daycare was that he was still fussy after feedings so they'd give him his binkie.  We tried a different nipple to slow the flow.  That delayed the fussiness, but didn't stop it.  So we added 1oz to each of his bottles, sending him with four 5oz bottles.  That seems to have worked as he's a happier baby overall.  It's good to see him growing and starting to finally fill out his 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.  And he has started wearing some of the smaller 3-6 month clothes.  After his 4 month checkup next week we're planning to start him on solids!

In addition to his babbling, he now blows raspberries.  It totally cracks us up.  We got a video of him doing it and sometimes when we replay it he starts again.  His muscles are getting stronger and he likes to pull himself up to a sitting position although he can't hold it on his own.  He also likes to stand on our lap and loves to bounce (this usually gets him giggling).  His hand control continues to improve allowing him smoother motion to reach for and hold toys.  He still seems to prefer his left hand, batting at objects with it and sucking his left thumb.  Maybe he'll be a lefty like his Dad but they say you can't tell for sure until they are 2 or 3 years old.  One other thing he started doing this week was waking up and playing by himself until we pick him up.  It's so cute.  He'll make little gurgle noises and bat at the sides of his co-sleeper.  It probably drives the cats nuts.

We're all finally over our first family cold.  When Brady was sick his poops were a browner thicker substance (and more smelly).  But he's all good now.  His nose still runs a little, but nothing those great boogie wipes can't handle.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Week 16 -

Self-discovery is so cool to watch.  Earlier in the week we saw Brady going after a toy block and rolling himself over from back to belly.  Later this week he discovered his brother and sisters watching with amazement as Indy walked around, ate, and scratched himself.  He's so aware of his surroundings, watching us or turning his head when he hears a noise.  And he's getting much better command of his hands.  He will reach for a specific object with one or both hands and pull it in toward his mouth.  He's such a little person now it's so fun!

Brady still loves interactive songs.  Mom will sing and make up rhymes getting Brady to giggle.  He still talks a lot (more like babbles), and learned "ahhhhhhhs" this week.  He likes to practice his ahs with Daddy.  We try to offer Brady a variety of experiences so he can learn, things like his bouncer, exersaucer, playard, playmat, crib, or sitting outside.  Seems he grew this week as he can now stand flat footed in his exersaucer.  He's also able to spend more time playing by himself in his playard playing with his ball, blocks, or toy mirror.  He still prefers his left thumb and likes to have a blanket or object to hold and snuggle while he sucks his thumb.  

This was Mom's first week part time (yes, it finally came through!).  The plan is to work 7 hours Monday thru Thursday, have every Friday off, and telecommute when able.  Looks like Dad caught the family cold late in the week.  Hopefully we'll all get over this and feel better soon!

Monday, August 6, 2012

In honor of his Aunt Jennie's birthday, Brady rolled over from back to front for the first time today! Go Brady!!!  Will post a video soon.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Brady's new favorite toy - plastic water bottles.  He grabs it with both hands and puts it straight to his mouth. So it begins...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 15 -

Brady's getting to be such a big boy.  Maybe it's all the 2012 summer Olympics he's been watching.  He's started reaching for stuff, grabbing objects, and pulling them in toward his mouth.  He got Mommy's water bottle and slobbered all over it.  It's not all coordinated though and he has smacked himself in the face with his ball.  When we put him on his belly, he does a half crawl using his knees and feet pushing himself slightly forward.  But he hasn't figured out how to use his arms yet, it's more like he bulldozes with his head. He's been a much better sleeper this week more like his original routine.  He's been eating well and had plenty of wet and poopy diapers.

This is the first of 2 weeks of the Olympic games.  Brady has gotten to see a lot of the action including the 4th ever US woman to win the gymnastics all-around (Gabby Douglas) and a US Olympian earning the most medals ever (Michael Phelps).  He also got his first trip to a sports stadium going to a "Restoring Love" event at Cowboys stadium with Grandma Reggie and Jeff.  Maybe this fall when it cools down we'll take him to a Rangers baseball game.

Brady ended the week with a fever, but seems to be doing better eating and sleeping and staying hydrated.  Unfortunately Mom picked it up too.  This may be the first but certainly won't be the last family cold.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Looks like Brady has his first fever, 101.7 deg, and a runny nose.  Talked to the pediatrician.  Now that he's over 3 months old we can give him baby Tylenol.  That seems to have brought the fever down and made him more comfortable to sleep.  Not sure where he picked it up, but today is 3 weeks to the day he started daycare.  Hoping he feels better soon!