Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 11 -

Vacation week! We flew with Brady to Boston for a weeks vacation in NH and Maine.  Thanks to the advice of friends we nursed him on takeoff and landing and once in-between and he wasn't fussy at all.    He laid on the boppy pillow looking at the overhead lights, directTV, and people walking by.  He didn't sleep much on the plane.  Cabin pressurization must be good for the infant digestive system allowing Daddy to try out the changing table in the lavatory (and thankfully we had a spare outfit).  JetBlue was a lot of fun to fly, including free bags, Dunkin Donuts coffee, and about 10 different free snacks to choose from.  The pilot on the flight to Boston gave Brady a JetBlue souvenir card for his first flight.

Vacation was just what we needed. Brady got to meet many of his relatives including his great-grandmother, Uncles, and Mom's Aunts and Uncles.  He also got to meet some of his Mom's friends from high school.  Brady took his first "dip" in the lakes dipping his toes in Little Squam Lake (NH) and Cupsuptic Lake (ME).  Poor guy cried both times!  But after the shock of cool water, he was okay with it.  The weather was outstanding and the uncles made the most of it waterskiing and tubing in Maine.  Daddy did great learning to drop a ski and slalomed for the first time!  It was great to have all the family get together and Brady enjoyed cuddling and rocking with his Grandmas.

While Brady would suck his thumb occasionally before, this week he was sucking it all the time!  Doesn't look like we'll have much need for the binkie anymore.  He also likes to hold his shirt, your shirt, or a blanket while he's sucking his thumb (just like his Uncle Erik used to do).

Brady's Grandma Reggie gave him a couple books on infant sign language - we can't wait to read up and practice!  He'll be able to learn and practice sign language at daycare.  Daycare starts next week!

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