Friday, June 29, 2012

Week 10 -

Gearing up to fly to Boston tomorrow for a week vacation in NH and Maine.  Mom tried on a bathing suit for the first time yesterday.  Yup, time to go one size up!  But she has been working out every other day since Brady was six weeks old and eating pretty well.  Her old clothes will fit her again soon. This will be Brady's first trip.  We plan to nurse him on takeoff and landing so he will sleep and hopefully not have any problems with his ears.  We're excited to try JetBlue now that they fly out of DFW.

Brady is doing really well finding his left thumb and sucking on it to self-soothe.  He does this a lot during diaper changes, when he's falling asleep on you, and to fall back asleep in his swing.  We still use the pacifier when he gets really upset which helps him calm down and is a sign he's tired and needs a nap.  He still smiles a lot and occasionally giggles.  He really likes interactive songs like itsy bitsy spider and head-shoulders-knees-toes, these get lots of smiles.  During tummy time he will roll from belly to back, but still hasn't really tried back to belly or crawling.  He is strong though, and will grab your necklace or hair (ouch).  The drooling and bubbles continue, but no teeth yet and he's never really been much for spitting up.  It also seems like he gets hiccups less.  We've taken him outside when we can, usually with a gel ice pack as the temps here have been over 100 degrees.  He seems to like looking around outside and tries to focus on trees.  He'll get to see plenty of trees soon in Maine.  Depending on the brand, he's started wearing his 3 month clothes.  Brady starts daycare the week we get back from Maine.  It's probably time for him to start playing with a wider variety of toys and interacting with other babies and caregivers.  He'll also be learning sign language.  Mom goes back to work in 2 weeks, hopefully part-time.

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