Thursday, July 12, 2012

Today Brady started daycare.  Mom and Dad dropped him off.  Mom was doing ok until she heard him crying in the infant room, then came the tears.  He was so small compared to the other kids.  We got to meet Angie the mom of a 13 month old girl, she's also an Arlington police officer.  Mom stayed about 10 minutes but had to leave so she and Brady wouldn't cry anymore.  Mom's glad she had the last two days after vacation to prepare.  Her and Brady got to spend their last day together home watching a special on Animal Planet about giraffes.  Brady really liked the giraffes.

Brady did great at daycare.  He eat, napped, and pooped.  He got to meet all 3 of his teachers and the other kids in the daycare.  His favorite activity was laying on the boppy pillow looking at his play mirror.  And he ate all his food, even the extra 3oz we sent with him.  He won't be the youngest kid for long, another little boy starts in two weeks.

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