Friday, July 20, 2012

Week 13 -

Mom, Dad, and Brady survived their first week apart.  For Mom, the biggest challenge being back at work was getting on the Mother's room schedule and getting less sleep (can't nap at work).  The start of the week was a little rough too, not because we had to drop Brady off at daycare, but because Indy got sick ALL over the house.  That was not fun to come home to Monday and Tuesday night.  Poor Daddy stayed up late cleaning and shampooing.  And Mom's part time request was denied by HR.  There's still hope, but it may require a change in job responsibilities (may not be a bad thing).

We've started to establish a daycare routine.  At first we didn't know how much milk to send with Brady, it was hard to judge because of the breastfeeding.  And Daddy got a little worried about Brady's weight.  Using the home scale it looked like Brady lost one pound since the previous week.  We increased the bottles to four 4oz bottles (total of 16oz).  We also gave the daycare some extra to freeze, just in case.  Dad drops him off around 7:30am while Mom picks him up at 5:15pm.  This was our off-Friday week, so Mom and Dad took Brady to daycare and had a little mid-afternoon date (saw Batman).  

Brady has already picked up some new tricks at daycare.  He likes looking at the hanging play mirror and got to try the exersaucer.  He loves pushing with his legs and gets stronger everyday.  He can now stand up under his own weight, but can't balance just yet.  And for the first time, he reached for a toy and played with it all on his own.  It was one of those toys that velcros around the handle of the car seat.  While sitting in the car seat he grabbed it and turned it over and over examining it.  It was so cool!  And one night after we brought Brady home from daycare, we were making dinner so put him down in his play yard.  A little while later we noticed he was asleep - no holding, soothing, or walking him required.  It's so fun to see our little guy grow!  Can't believe he's 3 months old today.

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