Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 12 -

Brady had a tough start to the week.  He was fussier than normal and nursing or thumb sucking wouldn't console him.  It seemed more related to digestive troubles as the fussiness would end after one or two big poops.  Mom nursed him a lot then he slept for what seemed like a day.  By Wednesday afternoon he was back to normal. Not sure if that was a growth spurt, a bad case of re-flux and gas, or just recovering from vacation.

While Brady would smile and squirm before, this week he started giggling out loud.  It's hilarious and we're happy see our son so happy.  He's also started pushing up to stand on his legs and we have to be careful or he will literally jump out of your lap. The other day he had a 20 minute staring contest with his feet, like he was trying to figure out what to do with them.  Unless he's tired he holds his head up on his own, although still a little wobbly.  Daycare started this week and we're sure he'll learn new things to do watching the other little kids.

Today marks the end of Mom's maternity leave and it's back to usual on Monday.  One of the best and most unexpected rewards of motherhood is bringing families closer.  Not only our little family, but our larger northeast family as well.  It's nice to see people reconnecting and strengthening their relationships.  Motherhood is also hard, it has many physical demands that we did not expect.  The demands will evolve as Brady grows, and we will have to adapt and provide.  But as we've heard so many parents say, it's all worth it, and we agree.

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