Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week 14 -

Brady had some gassy nights this week and had a hard time sleeping.  He was also fussy during his evening feedings.  His bowel movements have been less frequent and more green since the trip to Maine, and we were still a little concerned that he wasn't putting on weight (he still wears his 0-3 month clothes).  We called the pediatrician.  She told us not to worry about the poop color as long as it's yellow or green.  She recommended gas drops or gripe water, but not more than 3x/day, if the gas persists.  We also consulted a friend and lactation consultant.  We modified Brady's night time feedings to stop if he gets fussy.  And we try to get to bed earlier so Brady isn't over tired.  We never tried the gas drops, but with the other methods the problem seems to have cleared.  He appears to be eating better at night, pooping more regular (and lighter yellow or green), and resumed gaining weight.

His hand eye coordination is really developing.  He reaches for things and pulls them in, studying both his hands and the object he grabbed.  He will hold his hands together in front of him, studying them, and pull them into his mouth. He has a strong grip and can hold his Kermie or a ball with one or both hands.  He still sucks his thumb and prefers his left 95% of the time.  In addition to the exersaucer, we put him in his bouncer this week.  He likes pushing off with his feet and chewing on the rim, but hasn't really started playing with the toys on it.  He still drools and babbles a lot.  He seems more aware of his environment and those around him.  Out at dinner one night, he turned to look at a waitress pouring ice water.  He also watched something flap in the breeze about 5 feet in front of him, tracking it blowing around with his eyes. If you support him, he can sit up and hold his head up.  If he's lying on his back and you hold his hands, he will start to pull himself up.  He'll be mobile soon.

Mom is still getting back into work.  Early in the week it was hard, lots of deadlines and not a lot of motivation to make it a priority.  But she did work out a schedule of working and pumping.

Mom and Jeff came to visit for the week.  They have been attending the Freedom Works events in town.  Brady loves seeing his grandma, playing with his toys, being rocked, and doing his "exercises".  We're really glad our family gets to see Brady growing up, even if they live far away.  Maybe someday soon we won't be so far away.

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