Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 9 -

Seems like Brady grew a foot this week.  He has outgrown his newborn insert in his car seat.  Surprisingly with it removed there really is no padding but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it.  Depending on the brand some of his 0-3 months clothes are starting to fit snugly and he now fits comfortably in his 3 month clothes.  Brady has always hated diaper changes getting upset and crying whenever you put him down on his changing mat.  This week he started pulling in his legs and sucking on his thumbs self-soothing, even smiling, during the occasional diaper change.  This is very relieving to his diaper changing Daddy.  We also learned the most dangerous position to hold Brady in when he's pooping is at a 30 degree angle (his back to your knees, in his car seat, etc) - this greatly increases the chances of a diaper blowout and we did some serious laundry this week!  Another change was putting Brady back in his play yard.  He used to HATE being put in there and would cry and cry until you picked him up.  Now he seems to enjoy it looking at his mobile and mirror.  He did scratch his face 3x this week so Mommy broke out the infant nail clippers.  They're super easy to use, take very little effort to clip, and didn't nick his skin at all (phew!).  Grandma Riles (nana) gave us a tip on feeding babies - when they're full their "soft spot" will be flat instead of indented.  We tried it and she seems to be right!

Daddy had a great father's day getting to spend the day with his expanded family.  The day started with a trip to Movie Tavern for "Flapjacks and a Flick".  We watched Rock of Ages while Brady watched the back of his eyelids.  We also gave Daddy a digital photo frame and a special book from Brady that Daddy can read to him at night.  At Stroller Strides Daddy won a $5 Starbucks gift card for having the youngest infant.

Brady had a second play date this week going to lunch with Suzy's co-workers at Mancuso's (super yummy Italian).  Unfortunately he woke up in the middle of a nap during the lunch and was Mr Groucho, but after being held by a couple experienced grandparents he was able to go back to sleep.  He also pooped 2x which played into his waking up.  Thankfully he does tell us when his diaper is dirty and needs a quick change.  It was good to see everyone, but reminds Mommy she unfortunately has to go back to work in 3 weeks.

Brady has his 2 month checkup on Monday for another weight/length check and his first round of vaccinations.  We know our tough guy will do great!

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