Friday, June 8, 2012

Week 7 -

Really? Week 7 already???  Brady continues to sleep well, sleeping 7 hours straight last night.  He continues to be more alert and is spending more time self-soothing whether it be checking things out from his co-sleeper in the morning or from his swing during the day.  His favorite things continue to be toys that play music - his crib mobile and play mat.  His fists remain clenched unless he's really relaxed or when self-soothing, but we encourage him to feel different objects and textures during play time.  He also continues to say more "ooo" and "ahh" noises during active alert time, usually when playing with his musical toys or his parents.  And we love all his smiles!

Mom is feeling good and started mild exercise this week including stretching and light weights.  Her next postpartum doctor appointment is next week.  Dad continues to handle diaper duty through the night and is an expert at helping Brady "break wind".  We've signed up for a family stroller strides class this coming weekend and are joining an Arlington meetup group going to an outdoor concert Saturday.  Should be fun!

Next month we'll be flying to Boston to spend some time with family and friends on the lakes.  Should be an adventure traveling with a 10 week old, but we're up to it.

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