Friday, June 1, 2012

Week 6 -

Brady is becoming much more interactive.  He coos and ahhs at his crib mobile, has grabbed onto his stuffed elephant, and listens to his lullaby sheep.  This was the first week he didn't cry when we put him down for tummy time on his play mat.  His "fist bump" practice with Daddy paid off and he was able to fist bump (aka swipe at) his play mat mobile and rattle.  He actually giggles and laughs when he plays, this lasts about 1 hour a day.  We just love this kid!

Pumping and bottle feeding are going well.  Mommy is using a Medela Freestyle pump which is really light, quiet, and easy to use.  Daddy loves bottle feeding and gives him more opportunity to bond with Brady.  We give Brady 1 bottle a day and in a typical feeding he will eat 3-4 oz.  Brady is going to be a good eater like his dad, he can chug 3 oz of milk in less than 5 minutes! And so far, this hasn't caused any undue spitting up.  We put his newborn clothes away (sniffle, sniffle) in saving for baby #2.  Yes, you heard it here and no we're not pregnant again yet.

As we mentioned in an earlier blog, he is sleeping 5-6 hours straight at night.  He did that all but one night this week.  That off night he had lots of gas, poor guy.  And sometimes when he sleeps he smiles and laughs out loud.  At first we didn't know where that was coming from! Wonder what babies dream about.

We also took advantage of the nice weather and met Daddy for lunch one day.  Brady slept the whole time (he likes to nap around lunch time).

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