Friday, June 15, 2012

Week 8 -

We ask ourselves "Has it sunk in yet we're parents?"  The answer is still no. Can't believe we created this little angel, he is such a good baby!

This week Brady took his first shower with Dad.  He seemed to enjoy it, didn't cry like he does at bath time, but he was a slippery little guy!  He continues to be more alert, sleeping only 4-6 hours during the day but continues to sleep through the night.  Earlier in the week he was a little fussy wanting to eat a lot and only dozing off if he's being held.  He also rediscovered his hands sucking on them (Gary's favorite sound) and he's been drooling like crazy.  Could this be an early start to teething?  He continues to get stronger, and has been getting a really good grip on things.  He will grip Mom's shirt, Dad's collar, or if he doesn't find anything else will grab your skin (major ouch).  His fists are getting more open and he seems to be getting more control of his arms.  Today we started "high fives" in addition to "fist bumps".  All in all he seems to be growing well weighing ~11 lbs and ~21.5" long (home measurement).

Mom joined Stroller Strides in Arlington on Saturdays and met a couple cool Moms.  She also had her 6 week postpartum checkup getting the all clear to exercise with no restrictions.  She's been doing some mild workouts on her own trying to build back up strength and muscle tone when she can coax Brady to take a nap.  Looking ahead, Mom met her boss for lunch and got her support for a flexible work schedule.  She's looking into options to telecommute or even work part time.  Only 4 more weeks of maternity leave (boo).

This was a big week for Dad with both his birthday and upcoming first Father's Day.  For his birthday Brady and Mom gave him Bluetooth headphones for running and took him out for dinner.  Dinner with an 8 wk old is really an eating rotation, one parent at time.  We can usually distract Brady but he doesn't like to sit still long.  But long enough for Dad to enjoy his chicken fried steak.

This week we started trying to figure out our daily routine to get ready for work and get Brady to daycare.  The hardest part appears to be the morning.  Getting ourselves ready for work in addition to feeding him and getting him ready could easily take 2.5 hours.  We also have to watch the 9 hour days and traffic/weather.  That could easily push us past the 6:30pm closing time.

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