Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

Meeting the Easter Bunny at the Kids Expo 

Hi everyone!

 Babies love other babies, even goats

Dad and Brady watching the Expo festivities 

Our little bunny

Friday, March 29, 2013

Week 49 -

Sick again this week, this time with what appeared to be a stomach virus giving him the most god awful smelling diarrhea.  Poor guy was cranky and clingy and went through a LOT of diapers.  We kept him home from school 2 days, and thankfully by the end of the week was back to eating and pooping like normal.  At first we thought it was the 1/3 whole milk to 2/3 formula bottle we gave him, and some sort of reaction or lactose intolerance, but apparently it had been going around at the daycare.

Despite being sick, Brady did have a few firsts this week.  He can now wave hi (or bye) and he's starting to blow kisses (or lean in for a kiss).  It's really sweet.  And occasionally he stands on his own, even if he doesn't notice he's doing it.  He's getting braver with his attempts at walking, letting go and lunging toward you but not really taking steps (yet).  He showed off his skills to our neighbor and she thinks he'll be walking by his first birthday, eek!

He still babbles and chatters a lot, sometimes his words even seem recognizable like Indy, Dada, Mama, tree, dat (with pointing).  He does point at things a lot mumbling words, so we point and tell him what it is - house, car, grill, bird, etc.  It's cute to see his curiosity and watch him learn about the world around him.  Another engineer?  Maybe.  He also really enjoys music, and has since he was in Momma's belly.  He will smile and dance and shake (or bang) objects together when listening to music.

As for signing, he does very well, when he wants to.  He uses "more" a lot, "milk" if very thirsty, "done" which is more pulling on his bib than shaking his hands, "dog" to call Indy, and raises his arms up if he wants to be "picked up".  He doesn't have a lot of patience and will fuss if you don't get his sign right away, but he'll learn (or maybe his parents will lol).

Mr Handsome

 Mommy what's this?

Getting himself stuck 

Playing in the mirror

 Pointing at a bird

Waiting for blankie to dry

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Week 48 -

11 months old and LOTS of energy!  When Brady's awake and happy he is HYPER, cruising around the furniture ("couch surfing") and the windows checking everything out and babbling loudly.  He is a very busy child, you really have to keep up with him.  You also have to watch what he puts in his mouth.  Turns out boys are drawn to bugs at a very early age.  This morning he managed to find and put a LIVE lady bug in his mouth, gross!  Thankfully Daddy got it out, but still gross.

This week was Mom's first week away on business travel.  She had some good distractions, going to DC visiting the National Air and Space Museum at Dulles and visiting some old friends some she hadn't seen in 10 years.  Daddy and Brady had fun too taking advantage of the 80 deg weather and going to the St Patrick's day Pickle Parade.  Brady was a good boy all week, eating and sleeping well.  He discovered he likes peas and also likes to shove them in his sippy cup straw.  This was his first full week weaned which went mostly well for both Brady and Mom.  Mom was afraid he'd forget her, but he didn't, giving her a big smile when she came home.

Brady continues to get strong, really strong.  He loves getting behind his walker or motorcycle and pushing them as fast as he can.  He is really fast!  Almost anything can be a walker too - like the dining room stools, his jumper, empty boxes, placemats, etc.  He will also stand and push on his play house, you have to hang on to it or he will push it over.

Took him to the barber for his 1st haircut.  He sat like a big boy in the chair on Daddy while the lady clipped and buzzed.  No more baby comb over.  He also started walking when Mom or Dad hold his hands and he will cruise along smiling and giggling, he really loves it.  He has no problem standing up or getting down now, he does it with ease but not necessarily grace.  When he reaches for the floor you hear him slap down on his palms.  Sometimes he gets crawling too fast too and face plants, but he gets righted and keeps going.  Silly boy.

Started a new bedtime routine - bottle, bath, book, bed.  This came with weaning.  We also found he's less hyper if we do the bottle before bath.  So far it seems to be working well with him still going down for bed at 8pm.

Corporate retreat 10 year reunion (Kelly, Molly, Nicole, Suzy...with Shilpa virtual)

 Nicole's son Augie (14 months old)

Discovery at the National Air and Space Museum

1st Haircut - no more long pieces on top

 Sitting still like a big boy

Looking good!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 47 -

Moved the clocks ahead an hour this week.  Brady had some congestion early in the week, and a little drainage from his ears, so we gave him ear drops and breathing treatments.  By mid-week he was doing better and sleeping through the night again.  Hopefully this is a sign his body is finally building a strong enough immune system to fight colds on it's own.

Daddy had to travel again for a couple days.  Mom took advantage going out on a Mother-Son dinner date.  Brady had a lot of fun playing in his high chair and watching other kids (free entertainment).  And Mom and Brady had a lot of fun playing together and having their own adventures in the house, playing another round of tupperware hockey on the floor.  The weaning continues with Brady down to once a day now (mornings only).  Mom and Brady will still have snuggle time before bed.

Once Brady was feeling better he had LOTS of energy this week, what Daddy calls the Tazmanian tear.  The whole house is a play yard now with Brady cruising around on his walker or crawling all over the place.  He likes to pull up on things and try to pull objects down - like the calendar on the fridge, or dishtowels on the stove.  He likes shaking things like Mommy's allergy pill bottle (with child proof lid), containers of coins, etc.  Anything that makes noise.  He's tried going up the stairs a couple times so it's time to break out the baby gates.  

Made another trip to the Fort Worth zoo this week with Michelle and Keira.  The last time he was there it was Boo at the Zoo for Halloween and Brady was only 6 months old.  This was Michelle and Keira's first time to the zoo.  Despite it being spring break and super crowded, it was a nice 80 degree day and the kids enjoyed the animals.  Brady really liked the monkeys and the lions watching with interest and babbling away.  We're thinking maybe an animal theme for the 1st birthday party?

Brady's hair is getting really long now.  We were holding out until his 1st birthday to cut it, but not sure we can wait much longer.  Brady has a busy social calendar coming up with Easter and Keira's 1st birthday party, so he's gotta look good!

 Fun with placemats

On a Mother-Son dinner date

 Brady, Mom, Michelle, and Keira at the Fort Worth Zoo

Daddy and Brady checking out the animals

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 46 -

Making messes!  That was a theme this week with Brady ripping up magazines, crumpling mail, dumping out Cherrios, smearing green beans, and knocking over piles of books.  The messier (and noiser) the more fun.

Another fun thing he does now is imitations.  Mom and Dad will make noises and he'll repeat them - blowing raspberries, clicking our tongues, etc.  He'll also imitate motions - smiling, pressing buttons, clapping hands, showing his muscles, etc.  It's pretty cool to see him recognize something and try to imitate it.  He still babbles and makes "ah", "ba", "da" sounds but no real words yet.

He's getting pretty independent, eating out of his own bowl, holding his own bottle or sippy cup (50% of the time), and playing in his play yard by himself.  He seems really interested in the cats and the dog, more than normal, and has taken to petting them but we have to watch and make sure he does it gently.  Most of the time he's pretty happy, but when he gets tired and doesn't want to do something, he will have a little tantrum arching his back and fussing, so hold on!

Our little guy is pretty lucky to have such caring Grandparents.  He got two care packages this week - some new bath toys to play and splash, and his very own astronaut suit and state park souvenirs from the RV road trip.

Some new things we are trying are giving him 8oz bottles (instead of 6oz) as he's seemed more hungry, and getting him into the bath 30 minutes earlier so he's not as cranky before bed.  He has drank the 8oz a couple times and seems very satisfied.  And he doesn't seem to be as reluctant to take a bath when we do it earlier.

What's left of a magazine

Bed head

Patting Fenway 

The boys playing in the bed of the truck

Sunday, March 3, 2013

1st time on a playground - at Veterans Park, Arlington TX

Checking out the play ground

Checking stuff out

1st time on a swing

 He seemed to enjoy it, even started to fall asleep a little

Hanging out on the jungle gym 

Sitting on the slide 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 45 -

Mom was "single-parenting" this week with Daddy gone a few days on business travel.  Mom was also leading a major review at work so by the end of the day she was exhausted.  But it worked out ok, she and Brady had lots of fun and laughs together before bedtime.

Brady continues to show a lot of personality.  He loves to explore and check out new things.  He really enjoys pulling clothes out of laundry baskets, giggling and laughing.  His other new favorite thing is shaking objects particularly the homemade rattles at school (think Pringles cans loaded with beads).  When he doesn't get his way though look out, he does have a temper.  He'll throw his head back and scream.  This is not fun for Mom or Dad.  He decided he didn't like baths again this week crying during his bath every night.  We think this might also be attributed to how little he sleeps at daycare coming home tired.  On weekends he naps 2-3 times, usually 2-2.5 hours the first nap then 30min-1 hr the other naps for a total of 3-4.5 hours.  At daycare, he only naps 1 time usually 45min-2 hours.  Hmm.

He's still eating and growing well and just started outgrowing his 9 month clothes.  This was sad for Mom as most baby sections are 0-9 months, now he's in the 12 month - 5T section (sniffle).  He's growing up too fast.  Brady got to try a new food this week at daycare - vanilla wafers - he loved them too (must get this from the Muzzey side).  We also gave him a self feeding container full of Cherrios.  He did figure out how to reach in and pull them out, but it was a pretty violent process getting Cherrios everywhere.  He also found dumping them out accomplished the same goal (lol).

It's funny when Brady hears another baby babbling or hears himself babbling on video.  He gets all excited and starts babbling.  Sometimes the words sound like actual words.  We could have sworn he said "where did Indy go" the other day.  We know Brady and Indy are future BFFs.

Hi there! 

Playing peek-a-boo 

Nothing beats my blankie 

"Learning" how to use a self-feeding cup

Indy likes the play yard too