Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 42 -

It's official, Brady has a college fund!  This week we opened a 529 plan for the little guy with some maturing LM stock options and will contribute to it monthly.  We jokingly call this our 3rd "mortgage" after the monthly payments for the house and daycare (lol).

Other new developments this week include the appearance of 1 more tooth (bottom right) and the top right almost through.  The other 4 new teeth are half way in.  This brings the total to 7, he's getting quite a mouthful!  With all these teeth he has actually started to chew when he eats.  Another development was the first time we used a babysitter (yikes!).  This really made us feel like parents having to pay someone to watch our kid and put him to bed so we could go out for dinner.  Brady did great not fussing and eating and going to bed just fine.  It helps that we're using one of the same ladies from the daycare.

Thought we'd do something different this week and recap Brady's favorites:
Favorite food - sweet potatos
Favorite drink - bmilk
Favorite toy - learning farm walker
Favorite blanket - Mr Squirrel, Elly, and Monkey
Favorite sleep position - on his belly, butt in the air
Favorite book - The big red barn
Favorite song - Itsy bitsy spider
Favorite pastime - pulling himself up to stand or banging objects together
Favorite comfort - sucking his thumb (left one of course) and holding his favorite blanket
Favorite place to sleep - lamb swing or crib (night only)
Favorite place to visit - the park at the lake
Favorite people - Mom and Dad
Favorite animal - Dog (Indy)
Best friend - Stormy (at daycare) and Keira (outside of daycare)

We're starting to plan his 1st birthday party, so please send us your ideas!  Looking to keep it simple yet fun (and not too expensive).

Enjoying a nice day at the lake. 

Sporting his new hat

Getting sleepy and hanging out with Elly

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