Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week 41 -

Brady had his 9 month checkup weighing in at 17lbs 7.5oz (5%), 27.5" tall (25%), and 45cm head circumference (30%).  Since his 6 month checkup he's gained 3lbs 4oz, 2" height, and 2cm head circumference, so basically despite all his eating he's still a little peanut.  This visit he only got 1 shot for HepB, and after the initial sting he was back to his usual playful self.  Unfortunately the ears and sinuses are still draining, even some out his eyes (congestion after effects of RSV), so we got yet another antibiotic plus the ear drops he's been on for the last 2 weeks.  This kid can't catch a break.  Since he was 3.5 months old seems he's been sick 3 weeks of every month :(

Developmentally he continues to get more coordinated.  He's gotten better at putting food in his mouth, getting it in like 90% of the time instead of 50/50.  He has started using the walker more, gaining confidence and coordination "push-walking" himself across the room.  He doesn't seem as interested in walking as he is going for and exploring objects up out of his reach, but he does have to navigate to get there.  And he likes to "ride" his motorcycle.  As he gets taller he can stand straddling the bike doing his "booty shake" to the music.  Another cute thing he's doing is copying sounds.  When he drops something, he will copy Mom saying "Uh oh".  Or he'll copy Dad with "da-DA-da".  He still gets separation anxiety when he sees his Mom across the room, preferring for her to hold him.  If she's not in sight or ear-shot he will play.

The days of baby food are done.  New parent mistake #1 (at least the 1st one recorded) - don't buy a bunch of baby food.  Babies only like baby food from 4-9 months of age.  After that it's all squeezy packs and table food.  According to the pediatrician, he still gets all the nutrition he needs from breastmilk and formula, the table food is just for practice and exploring.  This week we were successful feeding him 3oz breastmilk with 2oz formula in his bottles at daycare.  Next week we will try the reverse.

Had another playdate with Keira this week at the Rainforest Cafe.  They had fun in their high chairs eating table food and watching the animals.  Mom and Michelle spoiled them too catching sales and buying some cute baby clothes.  Keira loved shopping and looking at outfits.  Turns out Brady isn't a big shopper, preferring to be on the move in his stroller instead of stopped.  Then it was back to Michelle's for a some photos in their new Valentine's outfits.  Keira loves to touch Brady, he just smiles and turns away (bashful?).  Despite how little he is, he's gaining on her.  She's only 1lbs and 1" taller than him.  The photo shoot also gave Mom a chance to practice with her new digital SLR camera, it's way more capable than cell phone photos.

One more week until skiing in Colorado!

Brady's 1st trip to the Fort Worth Stockyards

Playing on his motorcycle

A fistful of ground turkey and pasta

Checking out the fish at Rainforest Cafe

Mr Hollywood shopping with Mom

Keira (9.5 mos) and Brady (9 mos) at Valentine's photo shoot 

Someone else likes the play house

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