Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 43 -

Brady's 1st ski trip!  This week we went to Steamboat Springs, Colorado with Grandma Reggie, Jeff, and Uncle Erik.  It was also the first time skiing out west for Uncle E.  Due to nor'easter Nemo (when did they start naming these things anyway?) Uncle Erik was delayed a day and Grandma Reggie and Jeff were delayed 2 days, but we all eventually made it.  Steamboat is a big mountain and had lots of powder and tree skiing.  Uncle E was like a kid in a candy store trying to ski every trail.  Grandma Reggie came out to babysit but had fallen and broken a rib 2 days before (the luck!), still she managed to play with Brady.  He loved eating oatmeal and reading books with Grandma.  Jeff even got out on the slopes keeping up with Erik and Daddy on a day of snow and low visibility conditions.  This week was also Mom and Dad's 8th wedding anniversary, Valentine's Day, and Mardi Gras so a good week to be on vacation.

Brady really started to feel better this week and the congestion and drainage from his ears is just about cleared up.  Another tooth popped in (upper right) bringing the total to 8 teeth.  The first night in Colorado Brady broke out the "big boy" crawl actually crawling on his hands and knees versus his usual military crawl.  He's gotten so much faster at crawling and pulling himself up to stand.  And he can support himself kneeling without holding on to anything.  When he uses his walker (or laundry basket as was the case in Colorado), he's really gaining speed.  It's pretty amazing how quickly he's gotten the hang of all this!

Steamboat Springs, Colorado

A beautiful day

 Found some good powder

A little different visibility later in the week

 The boys

The girls and Brady

 Rockin' his Pats hat in Broncos territory

Hanging out at "base camp" 

Mr Smile 

"Brady platyapus"

Brady and Uncle E

Brady crusin' around the condo

Kneeling on his own

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