Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 40 -

Brady turned 9 months old this week.  Crazy to think he's as many months old as Mom carried him in her belly during pregnancy.  He's becoming a little man now, very active and determined, his personality really showing.

This week we had to say goodbye to Grandpa Bob and Grammie Terry as they headed southwest in the RV.  We were very thankful for the 2 weeks they were visiting us, babysitting Brady the days he was sick and cooking yummy meals for Mom and Dad at night.  And Grandpa Bob put together Brady's toy shelf.  Thanks to a little Grandparent TLC, Brady recovered from his RSV getting back to sleeping and eating like his normal self.  He still has some drainage in his ears, but it's not as thick or green anymore.  We will continue to give him ear drops until he fully recovers.  This was also a very warm week in Texas, up in the 70s, meanwhile back East it was in the single digits or even negative temperatures.  Grandpa Bob and Grammie Terry took advantage of the nice weather giving Brady (and Indy) a few walks outside.  We also rescheduled our Colorado ski trip rebooking Steamboat Springs for later in February.

As Brady got to feeling better, he became more active and got to play a lot with his new toys.  This week we put up a play yard in the living room so he can practice his standing and walking (and rubber mats for his attempts at getting back down).  He really enjoys his toy house and activity center playing with all the gadgets, doors, windows, and slides, perfect for an active baby boy.  We continue to give him practice walking on his walker or toy motorcycle.  The wheels on the walker can lock allowing the baby to push it which for now is more Brady's speed until he gets better coordination in his legs.  Meanwhile the motorcycle he prefers to ride (aka be pushed) while he honks the horn.  Ever since he was a little baby he enjoyed music (even Mom's car radio while he was in the womb).  Most of his baby toys play music and he likes to hang onto to something while on his knees or standing and do a "booty shake".  It's hilarious.

With Brady feeling better and the Grandparents gone, Brady returned to daycare.  Since the holidays Brady has taken on a new feeding schedule at daycare.  He has pancakes for breakfast, chicken or beef with noodles for lunch, pieces of fruit of veggies for snacks, and three 4oz bottles.  He also naps 2-3 times per day (30 min to 1.5 hrs each) and poops 3x a day.  He's seems to prefer table food for dinner and is still a good sleeper at night.  He tried blueberries this week and really seems to like them.  It's so nice having our little guy feeling better again!

January 23rd, 71 deg at 6pm!

Enjoying the new play yard

You've got mail! 

Sorry Mom, no girls allowed 

"Pushing" the walker

Handmade baby rocker from Uncle Lou

Practicing crawling on his hands and knees (it was short lived)

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