Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week 30 -

Getting stronger, more active, and more mobile.  Brady still loves water bottles, and according to friends on Facebook we must be raising Baby Superman since he can crush a plastic bottle with one hand!  This also makes it difficult to clear his nose or clip his nails when he resists.  He is definitely more active, constantly on the go checking things out or turning to look when he hears a noise.  And he's all over the place now on the floor crawling around object to object.  Mom lets him crawl around in the living room, seems backwards picking UP the dog toys and putting the baby toys on the FLOOR.  The pets seem to be getting used to him.  Indy sniffs him then walks away, Fenway holds her ground until he gets close and Mom moves Brady away, and Foxy can't really be bothered preferring to stay away at all times.  Brady loves watching Indy, we're sure they'll be BFFs someday.

Grandpa Bob and Grammie Terry left this week, but before they went Brady got to check out the RV.  Grandpa Bob let Brady play with the keys and wheel, next year they will have to take him for a ride.  The RV will stay with us in Texas for the winter, or least the next 2 months, before they come back down to get back on the road.  We also went to the Rainforest Cafe in Grapevine.  Brady liked watching the fish in the giant fish tanks and the gorillas and elephants move to the jungle music.  That's a great place for a kids birthday party. The family visits continue next week with Grandma Reggie, Jeff, and Uncle Erik in town for Thanksgiving and fried turkey.  Crazy the holidays are already here.

Brady had his first shoplift this week at a major superstore.  Somehow a toy he was playing with ended up tucked in the cart seat and we made away with it.  Hopefully we are not destined to a life of crime!

Brady is up to 2-3 solids a day now with meat and veggies or rice for dinner (blended of course).  This made for some quite solid poops this week too.  Can't believe he's growing up so fast, he will be 7 months old later this week.

We had a bit of "fall" weather this week with the temperatures at night dropping into the 30s.  Indy and Fenway took advantage of Indy's oversize pillow and were really cute cuddling up on it at night.  They each try to get as much room as possible and while Fenway has claws to her advantage, Indy's tail can be overpowering.  In the end they managed to share.

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