Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 29 -

This week was the presidential election with Barack Obama being re-elected to a second term over Governor Mitt Romney from Massachusetts.  Grandpa Bob and Grammie Terry made it to town in the RV logging 2600 miles from NH to TX. They were able to stick to their original travel plans since Uncle Erik took care of the tree on the roof in Maine. We were very fortune the tree did not puncture the roof or cause major structural damage.  And now we have more firewood for spring.

Report from daycare is Brady is all over the room.  He is much happier in tummy time now that he can move around, and boy is he fast.  He still half crawls/half drags himself around using his arms and right leg (left leg still just sticks out).  He's getting better at it too, holding objects while crawling, and crawling over things to get toys.  Best of all for Mom, he's so excited to see her when she picks him up that he crawls toward her when she enters the room.  Love this kid!  He's on a feeding schedule eating cereal and 1/2 jar of fruit in the morning, veggies in the afternoon, and 3-4 5oz bottles in between.  Unfortunately he picked up a little cold (oh daycare) with some congestion and a cough.

This week Brady started eating dinner at the table with his parents to start getting him used to having family meals.  And he started eating meat having chicken or turkey mixed with veggies or rice.  So far he likes just about everything he's eaten except banana plum brown rice (but that just sounds gross anyway).

He's getting better at sitting up and he can hold it longer, but still leaning forward on his hands for some extra support.  This week we toured Cowboys stadium and got him to sit on the star at the 50 yard line.  He's also getting more coordinated.  When Mommy takes him out of his car seat or high chair he leans forward to be picked up.  If you try to put him down he tries to cling on to you, but he's not strong enough (yet).  Speaking of high chair, it seems to be the new source of blow outs having two back to back this week.

We played some fun new games with Brady this week including sitting playing the keyboard and playing with his reflection in the mirror.  When he gets excited his arms and legs get going, and he still babbles and giggles a lot.  And he started sticking out his tongue, maybe he likes playing with his teeth?

One thing we noticed about Brady is he likes to wake up SLOW.  He doesn't like being woken up abruptly.  Mom had a hard time waking him up one morning, it was 8:15am and he wanted to snooze (check out the video).  He also likes to cuddle his Pats sock monkey in his crib, or watching his future BFF Indy.

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