Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 28 -

Losing track of the weeks now, had to check the blog to find out it's #28!  And for those trying to do the math in their heads, that's 6.5 months.

Hurricane Sandy hit the northeast this week just before Halloween bringing wind and rain and knocking out power. Dave and Nancy's house in NJ did ok, just lost a few trees and will be without power for ~1.5 weeks.  Unfortunately the big red pine along the shoreline in Maine blew inland falling on the house.  Bob and Terry are in Arkansas in the RV so are trying to get contractor help to remove the tree and assess the damage before any more storms hit the northeast.  This was a really huge tree so we are lucky it did not crush the camp.

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Nancy were in town the first half of the week.  We checked out Boo at the Zoo in Fort Worth which was actually a little disappointing - $3/person (including Brady) to go under a tent for candy and games, neither of which Brady can do.  The 3 and under "Tot Zone" was a bust too, basically it was just a play area to get kids to sign up for gymnastics.  Brady did get to meet a clown (and wasn't scared, in fact loved her bright yellow hair) and got one of those tiny palm-sized pumpkins.  We found a pumpkin patch in the regular zoo area which was much more fun.  Halloween night we took Brady around to say hi to the neighbors in his Angry Bird costume.  The ladies loved him giving him little bags of candy. By 7:30pm he was done and ready for bed.  He'll enjoy it more next year.

The second half of the week Mom and Brady were solo while Daddy was in Vegas for work.  Brady got out of school early Friday to go shopping with Mom at the farmer's market then down to the lake to see the ducks.  Friday night Brady got to meet Mom's friend Marguerite who was the first person Mommy told when she was pregnant.  Brady was funny too, he discovered he has volume and kept squealing REALLY loudly.

Brady continues to eat well but had too much fruit this week getting a diaper rash with a little blistering along his front diaper line (too acidic).  Switched him to veggies for a little while and it seems to be clearing up.  Poor guy, he didn't want to be in his jumper or execsaucer, it must have been painful!  Now that he's eating solids regularly and will be starting meats, we may need to give him more showers during the week (3x instead of 2x?).  We may try a bath again, hopefully he's grown out of hating them.

School pictures came back this week!  They did two poses - one sitting propped up and one close up.  The little guy had tears in his eyes in the close up.  Looking back, he was chomping on his fingers because his teeth broke through the next day (you can see the white bumps in the close up).

Brady is just so much fun - he likes to crawl around and play, babbling frequently.  Mom still makes up songs and rhymes and gets him to giggle.  He's also very ticklish.  Think he's going to like football because when it comes on TV he just get mesmerized.  And he seems to be going through a phase where only Mommy can calm him down when he's upset.  Sure he'll grow out of that soon.

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