Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week 27 -

CRAWLING! Shortly after last week's post Brady got his arms and legs in sync and got mobile! Now we really have to watch him.  No more leaving him on the bed to make a quick run to the bathroom.  It's cool to watch him experience new things, like his fascination feeling the carpet or looking up at the window.  He's still learning spacial awareness and has given a head butt or two to the wall.  Check out the video library to see him on the move!

As he continues to grow, we've moved him up from the stage  1 (4 oz) baby food to the stage 2 (6 oz and blends) baby food.  He doesn't always make it through 6 oz, good to know there may be a limit to all his eating. He eats good in the high chair, but does flail his hands or grab for the spoon.  When he gets a little more coordinated we'll let him try to feed himself, for now we just let him play with a spoon.

Got to see an old friend from New Hampshire last night - Berta Sinclair was here to visit her brother Adam who's still living in Dallas.  Bummed to hear Adam didn't get the job at Fenway, but that means Berta and Scotty will still be coming to visit!  Berta got to meet Brady and experience Mellow Mushroom (yummy pizza), it was a good night.

Mom got cortisone shots in both wrists this week to give her a little relief.  Apparently they hit a nerve causing both hands to go numb.  It's hard to do simple things when both hands are numb - like drive,  scratch an itch, or brush your teeth.  A day later and she's got feeling back in half her hands.

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Nancy are coming to town to visit Brady this week.  He's looking forward to snuggling with his Grandma and showing off his new skills and new teeth.

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