Friday, October 5, 2012

Week 24 -

What's that we hear on Brady's baby monitor? Fenway! Apparently the cat decided to cozy up under the crib then later realized all the action was outside Brady's room and wanted out. Silly cat.

Brady is getting bigger and stronger.  We often find him rolled over onto his belly when we go in to wake him up and his rolling over on the bed is getting more frequent and smoother.  He's doing great in his high chair and eating from a spoon, even leaning in to take a bite. Mom made homemade baby food carrots and Brady loved it (see picture below).  In addition to the 20oz of breast milk he now has a small bowl of rice cereal at daycare.  Next week he'll get veggies too, then later fruits. So far he hasn't met a food he didn't like!

Now that he's getting bigger we're trying to put him to bed in his pjs instead of the half swaddle.  He still sucks his thumb like crazy and likes having his hands free.  The putting him to bed at 8 or 8:30pm is working well and he seems to like his bedtime routine (eat-clean-pjs-storytime-sleep).  Speaking of pjs, he has quickly grown into his 3-6 mo clothes but somehow remains 5th percentile for weight (we're thinking these charts are for formula fed babies).  We'll put him down in his crib when he's sleepy, but not asleep, and he'll fall asleep on his own.  He's such an amazing kid!

Brady seems to have a lot of personality.  He giggles a lot.  He's ticklish under his arms and on his back.  He'll also get giggling when we make funny faces, sing silly songs, or do funny dances.  He babbles all the time, saying "bababababa" or giving us little squeals of excitement.  He's literally strong too, he has quite a grip and we jokingly call him "Bam-Bam" since he's constantly banging his toys together or into other things.

Thought we were going to make it out to dinner the other night but alas, Brady had an untimely blowout in his car seat (it was everywhere), so we had to give up our table and go home.  It didn't phase him, he was asleep in the car within 5 minutes.  Thankfully we hadn't ordered yet.

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