Monday, October 22, 2012

Survived our 6 month checkup - weight 14 lbs 3.5 oz (5%), length 25.5 in (15%), and head circumference 43 cm (25%).  Got 5 shots, including the first round of the flu shot, and 1 oral rotavirus.  The pediatrician was really surprised with how much he eats a day (more than avg) and how little he weighs, guess he's just that active!  Speaking of active he tore up the paper sheet and played with his reflection in the mirror laughing the whole time.  Unfortunately all that ear rubbing was not because of teething, but double ear infections, so he gets another 10 days of baby amoxicillin.  He cried in agony when he got his shots, but quickly forgot about it taking a short nap then back to play time.  And his bandaids matched his shirt.  We go back next month to check on his ears and get round 2 of the flu shot (good grief).

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