Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week 26 -

Today is Brady's half birthday, he's 6 months old!  It's also Grandpa Bob's birthday. It's kinda fun that Brady gets to share in his uncle's and grandfather's birthdays.

Brady continues to get mobile.  He has developed a kind of "pull to crawl" method of getting around.  He seemed to push with his legs last week, now he's pulling with his arms.  Maybe soon he'll figure out how to use his arms and legs together! Either way, his methods work and daycare is reporting that he is moving across the room.  He also started wearing shoes to school this week which helps him with his grip getting around.  As we've come to accept with daycare, he got another cold with congestion and a runny nose.  We're getting quite good at the bulb syringe and nebulizer and hopefully it will clear up soon.  He's still eating really well at school, up to 6 or 7 times a day (4 bottles, 1-2 cereals, and 1 jar of baby food).  Mom is looking forward to making more baby food this weekend, which means another stop at the local farmer's market!

He's really growing too.  Monday is his 6 month checkup so will report his stats then.  He can reach the lambs in his swing and will grab one so they can't rotate causing the mobile to click.  At first we didn't know what the noise was!  Mom started putting him front facing in the new jogging stroller when they go for walks.  Brady hates getting in his harness but eventually settles down when they get moving.  He likes being able to look out and see where they're going.

Brady does so well sleeping through the night.  He sleeps in his PJs every night, and depending on how cool it is, we may put him in his sleep sack too.  He's got this one fleece long sleeve sleep sack that is so cute.  He loves it too, getting cozy, and falling asleep right away.  We typically put him down to sleep at 8 or 8:30pm and he will sleep until 6 or 7am if we let him (weekends).

This is the last weekend of the TX state fair.  Sadly Big Tex burned down yesterday (electrical short in his leg) and the stratosphere got stuck 200 ft in the air with 24 people on board.  We didn't make it there this year, but maybe that's a good thing.  Tomorrow going to watch the Pats vs Jets game with some friends and checking out an apple orchard.  Should be fun.

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