Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 25 -

WE HAVE TEETH!!! This week those two white bumps on the bottom front broke through marking the first of 20 baby teeth that will come in.  And they are sharp just like his nails.  This takes us to our next point - being a mommy is some TOUGH love.  At this age feeding involves squirming, scratching, pinching, and now biting.  T-shirts and soft blankets are a must to keep those little hands busy!

Brady had his first school 'picture day' this week.  We dressed him in his OshGosh collared onesie and overalls and sent a backup just in case.  Thought we were going to have to use the backup too as he immediately filled his diaper when we got to the daycare.  But phew, we did not.  The pictures should come back in 2-3 weeks, can't wait to see how they came out!

Brady is getting so big.  He did great with his veggies at daycare this week, eating one jar a day.  This is in addition to the four 5oz bottles and 1-2 bowls of rice cereal.  This boy can eat!  It's showing too as he's quickly progressed into his 6mo or 6-9mo clothes comfortably.  He goes back for his 6 month checkup in just over a week so we'll see how much he weighs.

It seemed like Brady mastered the art of rolling over and rotating this week.  We can lay him down on a blanket or play mat and he'll move all over the place.  And you have to watch him CLOSELY.  While at a Buffalo Wild Wings for some football Mom was sipping her ice tea when Brady somehow got a napkin and started chewing on it.  That was a mess to get out of his mouth.  When he's on his tummy he's starting to push with his feet in kind of a "pre-crawl" (see blog videos), it's just a matter of time now!  And he can sit unsupported for a few seconds until he gets distracted and turns his head causing him to lose his balance and tip over.  He does best sitting when he leans forward propped up on his hands.

Mommy got her Xmas present early this year - a new BOB baby jogger!  Got a car seat adapter too so Brady can go at this young age.  Soon though Mom is looking forward to having him the front facing seat so he can see all the places they go.  The stroller is pretty cool, it folds and unfolds really easily and the wheels come off if you're squeezed for space.

Brady managed to be the only one not sick in our house this week.  Dad had a sinus infection and Mom picked up a stomach bug that Ms Barb said was going around at the daycare.  Here's hoping we're all better this weekend!

And if anyone's counting, week 25 marks the halfway point to Brady's 1st birthday.  Time is just flying by!

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