Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 22 -

Brady turned 5 months old this week!  He's at such a fun age.  He really grabs onto his feet now, and has almost figured out how to get them to his mouth.  He even grabs both feet at a time.  And he's started rolling back to front more, especially when placed on the bed and his favorite toy Mr Squirrel is placed just out of reach.  He loves to suck his thumb and hold Mr Squirrel.  Just for fun we let him play with Uncle Chris's old keyboard.  He liked the music and watching the keys light up.  And he really got giggling when he stomped on the keys, but we thought that might not be such a good idea for the keyboard.

Brady is still getting over his RSV and double ear infections.  He's down to one breathing treatment a day and will finish his baby amoxicillin Sunday.  You can tell he's feeling better as he eats and sleeps better, his poop is back to normal (not sticky brown), and in general he seems in better spirits.  Hopefully he won't be more prone to respiratory infections, but if he does start coming down with something we can give him the baby nebulizer again.

We're trying to give him more practice with eating from a spoon, if only he could figure out how to keep his tongue out of the way!  He ate rice cereal mixed with breast milk again a few times this week.  He really seems to like it, opening wide for he spoon and giving us lots of smiles.  Soon Mom and Dad will have to figure out the next food and start sending some to daycare with him.  Mom is looking forward to making homemade baby food.  We're also starting to put him to bed earlier (8 or 9pm instead of 10pm) so Mom and Dad have some time to themselves before bed, and he's back to sleeping in his crib (he was back in the co-sleeper when he was sick).

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